Our duct-mounted small bypass evaporative humidifier is designed for tight homes under 3,600 square feet. The humidifier adds moisture to your home's dry air as it moves through our moisture-laden water panel to create Healthy Humidity throughout your home.
HUMIDITY FOR HEALTH: AprilAire Humidifiers can help you maintain optimal humidity in your home to reduce the incidence of respiratory infections and symptoms related to allergies and asthma by minimizing the formation of bacteria and viruses, fungi, and dust mites.
PROTECT YOUR HOME: Preserve your home and any contents susceptible to damage from changing humidity or dry conditions.
HUMIDITY FOR COMFORT: Balance your humidity to reduce the incidence of dry skin, static shock, and other dry air issues.
BUY WITH CONFIDENCE: This humidifier was designed and manufactured in the U.S.A. by AprilAire—the inventor of the whole-house evaporative humidifier, and the leader in Indoor Air Quality solutions.
We serve both residential and commercial clients and offer a variety of money-saving solutions. We combine our use of the highest quality parts and equipment, and our dedication to delivering exceptional service to provide you with top quality service.
SWARTZ CREEK, Michigan 48473
Phone: 810-635-4159